Why you Should Study Writing



Things to Consider

Studying writing is one of the most important aspects in becoming a successful communicator. In most jobs you do need to be able to communicate with your peers and business associates. Having writing knowledge helps inside the work environments and outside as well. Being able to be a good writer can open up job opportunities as well as create a well rounded hobby for someone who finds themselves creative but lack an outlet to express their creativity.  Because there are many things to consider while creating your work, it is important to study multiple aspects of writing and the language you choose to write in. Being proficient at grammar is essential as well as the act of proofreading when attempting to write properly. You want your audience to take you seriously. It’s important to make sure your work is legible to not just you, but your peers. Small mistakes can often make the reader lose faith in how credible your information is no matter how accurate it may be.

Wardle’s View


In Elizabeths Wardle’s “You can’t teach writing in general,” she explains how when writing you need to know your audience and your subject/topic before you begin your writing. You can’t just write without a plan or a purpose because it would lack sense and you most likely wouldn’t be getting any sort of point across. I agree completely with Wardle’s view. When writing our audience is one of the most important things to consider. Who you are writing to and about is important while relating to the reader and keeping them captivated and interested in what you have to say.

Who, What, Where?

Knowing your audience and being able to communicate in a way they understand best is important when writing to different age groups. You would speak maybe more formal when talking to an older age group. They have more of a appreciation for formality and will most likely have a better understanding a of sophisticated words used when writing. If your writing to teens and young adults your vocabulary may be limited, but its best to keep the overly complicated concepts and words to people who would better understand and appreciate it. You would probably write more on a personal informal level to keep your younger audiences attentive. Less may be more when trying to younger groups . Middle schools students for example have not yet expanded their vocabulary or mastered reading and writing yet. You would want to speak in the language they are most comfortable with at that age level. Your writing constantly changes depending on prompt, and target audience. if you find yourself writing in the same style no matter what the topic, you may be doing something wrong.

My Opinion

Overall i agree with Elizabeth Wardle’s views of why you cannot teach writing in general. Writing needs to be thought out and planned if you want to do it successfully. You need to study multiple aspects of writing if you want to be proficient and successful in your work. You gain this knowledge from trial and error basically. Writing is a learning experience and should be taken as such. You constantly learn from feedback and from that feedback you can apply it to different assignments and see what worked best for you in a previous situation. In conclusion Wardle’s view that there is no writing in general allows you to really consider what you are writing about, who your writing to and how you apply your prior knowledge of writing when attempting to write.


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