An open notebook with a pen on it that is sitting in front of an open laptop that has different documents/pages open.

Tips for writing: Wardle and Savini

Not all employers or teachers give tips for writing and Wardle’s article “You can’t teach writing in general” talks about this. I believe that it is essential for writers to continue to learn and make mistakes because that is the only way to become a better writer. You have to familiarize yourself with a multitude of different writing scenarios to adapt your writing to each situation. A response by Carli Lopez sums this concept up well stating, “[…]writing from prior experiences can strengthen current or future pieces because it provides a base and details but, although past pieces can be helpful, the meaning and purpose of that prior piece will never completely align with new pieces as the purpose and meanings behind the writings have changed.” I resonated with Wardle’s CEO example because teachers or bosses give assignments to you and don’t tell you how they want it done. 

Savini’s article “Looking for Trouble: Finding Your Way into a Writing Assignment” provides helpful tips on how to approach writing assignments. Last semester one of my English professors loved to give us students writing assignments that were so confusing and Savini’s tips definitely would have helped me so much. I think the tips about asking more fruitful questions will help me with challenging writing assignments in the future. My problem is asking too many questions that are not important to the task at hand. But the idea of simply asking types of fruitful questions and then later picking which ones help me answer the question is definitely so much more helpful than struggling to write a response to a broad prompt. I will most definitely be using these tips with my future assignments.


One response to “Tips for writing: Wardle and Savini”

  1. […] affect the way you write in school and at work as I mentioned in a previous post for Wardle’s, “You can’t teach writing in general.” Anyone can adapt to different types of writing scenarios, but it is helpful to have a guide on […]

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