Writing is Fun!

Happy dog running in grass
Luca Upper https://unsplash.com/photos/qO-PIF84Vxg


“Writing is the use of written language to compose a text for the purpose of communicating language”
Writing is so much more than that,
Writing is art.
Writing is telling a story.
A way to escape reality.
It can even be a better form of communication, reporting, or entertainment.
Writing is expressing yourself
Putting your words and thoughts onto paper.


Poems, letters, essays, papers:
Writing can be a creative outlet.
Writing is a way to express emotions.
Whether you’re mad, sad, or happy; writing is a way to pour your heart out when you want to and even when you need to.
“Writing is always in particular”. -Elizabeth Wardle
Writing isn’t just you have a thought and you go and write about it. Writing is most of the time asked of us to do Whether it is for school or work. Most people don’t write in their free time for fun. Most people only write when they are assigned to. In each situation writing requirements are different.

Say you’re a college student and one of your professors asked you to write a 10 page report on Sigmund Freud. Which can be known as a research paper. For a research paper you don’t need to involve your emotions. Just read articles and report in your own words what you’ve read. However something like a poem. A poem you’re giving to a loved one for example, you’d have to incorporate some type of emotions. I’m giving these two examples to show that there is variation in writing.


“…the direct association of writing and suffering will not seem farfetched to anyone who writes”. – Catherine Savini
Writing is hard. Sometimes even stressful.
When given a writing assignment, you sometimes have to ask yourself “what is this actually asking me to do?” “what does this really mean?” Then from there you may start to dissect the prompt and come up with even more questions. For example, your prompt may be “Charlie’s family owns a farm where they grow fruits, they’ve been growing fruits for 10 years. How do you think they’ve stayed so consistent over the years?” not the best example of a writing prompt but after reading that many questions would pop into my head like “ What kind of fruits are they growing?” “What kind of fertilizer do they use?” “Do they grow to sell or just to eat?” Writing requires imagination.


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