Writing in General about a blog post.

Thoughts about Writing In General. A blog post for Intro to Writing.




Reading both writing articles was interesting to me. The first article stated that writing in general couldn’t be done. But I agree to disagree I think that writing without a topic or title can be done and involves less thinking.

Like when you write in your journal about your feelings, thoughts, and daily problems. You’re writing aside from having a specific topic or concept. When being taught over and over the same writing process becomes boring and makes you feel uninterested in writing. Students coming from different writing backgrounds granting you flexibility and freedom can benefit you to complete your paper. Also changing your writing style sparks new ways to write and create along your educational journey.

The Second article talked more about the different ways to dig into writing an assignment which was interesting as well. I think the things that were said in the article helped me when I have an upcoming writing assignment. The article also talks more about the academic side of writing. The second article has more relatable issues that could happen in your everyday life. It also breaks down some essay and question examples that could be used in your next paper. I like how the second article has steps that you can use for yourself. Looking at these steps made me think about my own writing and what I can do to make my writing better than before. At a slow and steady pace, you will be successful in writing a great paper.


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