
Is General Writing Real?


When starting this blog, my first thought was, “I need a preview or sample”, to get an idea of how I should begin. Thinking this prompted me to looking at my fellow classmates work and brainstorm for my own piece. This process ties along with what Elizabeth Wardle says about new writing prompts in a different environment. In the podcast where Kyle Stedman reads, “You Can Learn to Write in General“, by Elizabeth Wardle, he explains the situation if an employer hires a student out of college to write a report, that student we need examples because of the new situation they are in. The student can implement what they have already been taught but in order to give the employer what they are looking for, they need a foundation.


Catherine Savini gives the perfect template in, “Looking for Trouble: Finding Your Way into a Writing Assignment” to have a successful writing prompt in four easy steps. First to digest the situation and understand what is going on. From there you identify the problem. This allows the writer to have the foundation for what will be attacked and focus their insight on that. Then the author can pose the questions that gather more insight on what is going on. The audience benefits from this tactic because they can get a better idea of what they are reading and challenges them to think. Finally, the author can gather what is at stake. This is so options can be weighed to notice the pros and cons. Most important, practicing all the the tips Catherine Savini provides will take a writers skills to another level.

What I Learned

I learned valuable information from both authors. Anyone can take the tips both Catherine Savini, and Elizabeth Wardle gave to the audience and implement it into their own work. It would help transform someone’s work into something with more depth. My work will definitely improve with the information I have gathered from both authors.

Our Link: https://eng2020.chrisfriend.us/blog/category/why-study-writing/


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