Life & Writing

In Elizabeth Wardle’s article, she mentions that writing in general can’t be done. It’s something I absolutely agree with. No one writes anything without purpose. This physically can’t be done. Even pieces that would make no sense to one person might make complete sense to another. That is what’s amazing about writing and creating stories. If one person can resonate with a piece, it’s done its job.


When it comes to writing, it was something I never thought I’d interested in. I barely passed high school and my first two years attending community college were uneventful. There wasn’t any passion or reason. The motivation wasn’t there to want anything. To do anything.

The pandemic affected everyone. Motivation was at an all time low for so many. Getting laid off from my recent job because of it made me realize I hadn’t done anything for myself. This led to the decision of attending school again after so many years being out. Of course, I didn’t know what I wanted but I gave myself a goal. Finish school with a bachelor. This gave me motivation and a purpose going forward. It allowed myself to explore what I truly like to do.


Psychology is my major but I started pursing my minor in English studies. I’ve always had a fascination with movies. Both on the big screen and at home. I discovered years later that screenwriting was a thing. To create a story that the director and the rest of the crew would have to follow on making their big picture. It was something both terrifying and exciting for myself.

Screenwriting is my introduction to writing with purpose. It’s completely different than writing a blog for sure. It’s going to take some getting used to but it’s helping me look at how I write from a different perspective. That being the case, giving yourself a problem and solving through writing helps establish a goal. This leads back to motivation. Everything is a circle. (At least, that’s how I see it.)


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