Bad Ideas About Writing.




After reading the article “Looking for Trouble Finding Your Way into a Writing Assignment” by  Catharine Savini  and listening  to the Podcast “Bad Ideas About Writing,  You Can Learn to Write in General” by Elizabeth Wardle I felt like they were both interesting and informational.  From the play on the names of the titles I thought I would be reading something completely different.  I thought it would be a way to learn how to write in general, but I realized that this doesn’t exist.  Writing is always specific and maybe I knew this but never thought so deeply about it before.  When you’re writing you must consider your audience, content, purpose, and medium.  All writers write from their own experience, so this tells you that writing is already not in general if you are writing from your own experience. Content and audience is another way to tell you that writing is never in general because when you’re writing you must consider who your target audience is and what you are going to say to them. You can’t have a specific audience and write to them in general there must be a topic, and it must be specific.  Also, what is the purpose of this writing, are you trying to persuade your audience or inform them these things make writing very specific and never in general.  As for Savini’s article I thought it was useful, very long but informative.  I like how the article breaks down how to solve problems when writing. Looking for a problem and writing about this is a great way to get out of your way when you are stuck.  Sometimes I read an article, and I am left wondering how I respond to this, the tools in the article about looking for familiar patterns, and  themes starts off as great tips to assist you in getting out of writer’s block.  Noticing the problem or theme, articulating the problem, and then posing meaningful questions about how to solve the problem is a great way to help you navigate any writing.    


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