Man is confused on how and where to start his writing.
Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

The Myth About “Writing in General

When it comes to writing, there is no such thing as “general writing.” Writers are always writing to a specific audience, purpose, and situation since no writer can write without an influence of some sort. This is the same reason why whenever teachers instruct or teach their students to write in school, they give them a specific prompt to follow or an audience to write to in order for the writing to stay structured and organized. Writing needs fluidity and a purpose of some sort to ensure that it sends a message to the audience. Writers need to learn how to be diverse in their writing and adapt to new concepts so they can reach several different audiences. Learning how to be a diverse writer can also be beneficial to the writer themselves since it teaches them to expand their knowledge of writing and what they have already learned from experience. It allows writers to ask questions and get curious about different ideas and issues that they may want or be prompted to write about.

Identifying Problems in a Prompt

Identifying a problem on a prompt can be helpful to writers since it allows them to formulate their own ideas and arguments that relate to the prompt and can kickstart their writing process. Writers can take a simple essay prompt and create questions/ problems out of it in order to create structure and firm supportive details to answer the initial question. Talking about issues that the writer may already be familiar with or wants to do further research on could also benefit the writing process since there is interest in the issue and the writer is or wants to become more knowledgeable on the topic. Having this interest in a certain topic/ issue formulates questions in the writer’s brain about how they can further their knowledge of what they have already learned, causing a strong argument to be created in their writing. 


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