people looking down at their phones.

Social Media: The bad and The good




Social media is viewed as a mostly bad thing. However, if it is used the right way, social media can really be a tool. Specifically, when it comes to writing, people can learn a lot from it. Writers can learn to learn to improve their writing. Ann Amicucci talks some things that can be learned from social media in “Four Things Social Media Can Teach You About College Writing—and One Thing It Can’t.” She talks about TikTok, hashtags, filters, Emojis and how it relates to writing. It makes a lot of sense when she put it this way. She mentions TikTok to point out that “When you start working…pick an essay you admire to be your ‘challenge’ essay that…you can replicate and make your own.” To take an article and use that as inspiration for my own writing sounds reasonable. Amicucci refers to hashtags in the sense that writing has to include language that caters to a discourse community. Filters in writing translate to how I want to come off in my writing, the language that I use to present myself. Emojis would be the punctuation that is used in writing to invoke feelings.

One concern that people have with social media is that it shortens a person’s attention span, this is known as multitasking. And according to a study that Danielle Lottidge conducted this can be good or bad. There were two groups of students and they noticed that in writing, multitaskers have the upper hand in using multiple streams of task-related tasks. While multitasking did benefit the students in this writing assignment, it slowed them down because they also happened to pay attention to irrelevant information. I take from this that multitasking can be beneficial, though I do not believe that I will ever accomplish this method. I cannot even walk and drink water.


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