Someone doing many things at once. Typing on a computer, writing and touching a tablet with four arms

Multitasking and Social Media

This week I learned a lot of interesting things about multitasking and social media. Travis Bradberry got me to realize how bad multitasking can be. Everyone brags about it, making it seem like a desired skill. However, it can lead to a lot of downsides. It makes sense when you think about it. Having the brain focus on many things at one time doesn’t sound like a good idea. I always figured it would lead your work to be confusing. That your work could bleed into each other, that it wouldn’t be done to your normal standard, or that the work would look rushed. I never thought about the damage to the brain, only the work aspect. This definitely made me never want to multitask again. It also makes me think about how dangerous misinformation can be. All those people who bragged about this skill are damaging themselves. While I learned how dangerous multitasking is, I found out that social media can be helpful.

I knew you had to gear your writing towards a specific audience, I just never put it together that social media does the same thing. I don’t really post on social media, but I do view it. I know people want the most likes, the most views, the most shares, or whatever. I figured they would do things that reached the most people, as I have seen many posts with all kinds of tags. However, some people get many likes doing a certain thing and keep doing that thing. Using the same sound, doing the same trend, the same dance, whatever. Despite it being the same thing, they continue to get views. This is because they know their audience and what they want. Writers have to do the same exact thing, guess if the audience wants something new or the exact same thing. Some people expect a certain style after a while and want to see it every time. Like if an animated show changed the art style, people would be mad. So I knew gearing toward audiences was a thing both social media and writers do, I just never realized how similar it can be. This is just like multitasking though, because there are a lot of downsides to social media. Thinking about what everyone will think of you isn’t good. So social media does have helpful perks just like multitasking, however, both can be bad for you.


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