Social Media




In “2 Four Things Social MediaCan Teach You about College Writing—and One Thing It Can’t” by Ann N. Amicucci she highlighted four themes throughout her article. The themes are along the lines of Bevity, Engagement, Clarity, and Audience Awareness. These themes have different meanings, but I understand the theme is Audience Awareness. I say this because the numbers are significant when you’re on social media. For example, YouTube says you post a video that does well, and you continue to upload the same schedule, and every video you upload after that doesn’t have high views. That would catch your eye, and start being aware of what your audience enjoys seeing. After all that, you would start taking advantage to raise the numbers, and the following your platform has. At some point, the people will not like that content anymore, so you would pay attention again to what they will like next. The audience is in control of how far your channel goes.

The tools you need in social media are engagement and audience awareness. When engaging, you have to be someone that people can return to and be happy to see your videos. Meaning being energetic and wholesome because the shift is people are making the wrong people famous or showing their true colors. The personality in front or behind the camera plays a part. Anything can end up on social media, and you must be careful you’re a public figure and anyone can be watching. If played wrong, “Cancel Culture” can get you, and what you have built up can be taken down.

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