Technology and how it affects your Writing





 Based on what both of the articles are about let’s talk about how technology affects your writing. One of them talks about chronic multitasking and writing and the author Danielle M. Lottridge States that chronic multitaskers perform worse on core multitasking skills. The purpose of this article was to see whether multi-tasking was a good or bad thing. The other article is about how social media can teach you things and then one thing that it can’t teach you about college writing. It describes things to use in your writing by using social media, For example, The article states that social media teaches you to say more through symbols rather than words. In my opinion and from my personal experience I would say technology helps my writing. I bring this up because both articles seem to be the opposite of each other. While one of the articles isn’t directly about using technology you can use what it talks about when talking about technology while writing. I procrastinate a lot but I do think that using technology during my writing process makes it a bit more bearable as taking small breaks sort of allows me to recharge my batteries in a way. I also think talking with others while working can also help depending on how much attention whatever assignment you need to complete requires. I do think that after a certain point multitasking too much can harm your writing. But you might be able to gain inspiration from whatever else you’re doing.


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