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Technology and Multitasking




Rethinking my cell phone or computer policy

In this article I found myself reflecting back to my high school days when I was on the other side of this conversation. Sure I am still in school, but the perspective is different. I understand the perspective of the author, seeing as he is also a teacher. I have been classrooms where teachers, both high school and college, where they considered any kind of technology to be the plague, and hated any use of it. In all honesty, those tend to teach very boring classes day after day, and that can cause their students to unconsciously reach for their phone or other technology. Another point that I found pretty cool was how he used the policy on himself. When he is in a meeting he uses the policy on himself, understanding the established trust between him and his boss. I never thought of that perspective before, how the phone policy can go beyond the classroom.

The effects of chronic Multi-tasking on Analytical Writing

This article had me on edge when I first opened it. It looked like it could be a long droning study, but in the end, I found it pretty interesting. I consider myself to be a multitasker. I currently have a weekly whiteboard that details what I need to get done within the day. As I complete those given tasks, I most likely will have a movie or tv show playing in the background. At times the lines from the movie or tv show leak into the given task. I also think the memory part can also be true. A week ago I had to study for a world geography test and I had to record myself and write out my notes because I had a sinking feeling that I would not remember anything. I studied as well as I could, but I got a 78. I also had ASL quiz that morning too that I tried to study for using the textbooks, I got an 87 on that test. So I definitely agree that trying to multitask can and will affect the brains memory and the quality of work one puts out.


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