In the article “Four Things Social Media Can Teach You about College Writing—and One Thing It Can’t”





In the article “Four Things Social Media Can Teach You about College Writing—and One Thing It Can’t”, Amicucci writes about different examples of how to write within her writing. Amicucci believes that while writing, our thoughts and they way we write are oftentimes from social media as it embraces who we are. Amicucci’s goal is to mimic how we interact with others on social media to writing a paper. This can help to formulate our thoughts more clearly and to put those thoughts and ideas into writing. Amicucci addresses a study to come up with different types of content and ideas that reaches to different and specific types of audiences. When writing, knowing who your audience is and making them feel a sense of connection and relation to the writing is the most important thing a writer can do. Amicucci also believes that while writing, always make sure the piece of writing you are conducting reaches a strong message and attention to the audience. Making the audience feel comfortable and focused on the writing is very important. By using different examples and writing techniques, it brings the audience’s attention closer to the writing and may interest the audience to want to keep reading. Amicucci’s style of writing , and her goals are important to all other writers and even the audience. Always keeping the audience engaged is one of the most rewarding aspects of writing. Oftentimes, we aren’t aware of the way we interact with others on social media, and the interests we have. Writing the way you interact on social media can build confidence, power, and most importantly, embraces the person you are which makes the audience feel more comfortable and relatable to your writing.


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