Tag: Wiens

  • MacBook with programming codes displayed.

    Is Grammar That Serious?

    Is grammar important? Kyle Wiens thinks so, but does its significance vary? Are there professions where flawless grammar is not needed?

  • Letter blocks that spells out choose your words. Choose and words are going across, while your is going down through them.

    Writing in “Perfect” English

    Writing is already a hard enough task without worrying about the grammar. It is important to write comfortably and keep readers engaged.

  • letter jumble coming out of pencil

    Grammar and The Professional World

    Grammar is essential in a professional setting. Without it, it could cause potential loss of credibility. But that’s no reason to pass on a good employee.

  • A stack of educational books with "Grammar and Composition III" at the top.

    English; their are to many rules?

    A brief discussion on the history of the English language and what it represents in today’s political climate as well as the good grammar argument.

  • A stack of six books, including grammar in composition, themes in literature, spelling, two science books, and world history.

    Why is grammar so important?

    Poor grammar can leave a lasting impression on people which can lead to a negative outcome. Good grammar can make or break a person.

  • A view of a man in a blue suit from elbows down. He is wearing brown shoes and a watch, He is adjusting his left sleeve.

    What is Proper?

    In the professional workforce, individuals are expected to sound professional. This means using “proper English”, but what exactly counts as “proper”?