Letter blocks that spells out choose your words. Choose and words are going across, while your is going down through them.

Writing in “Perfect” English




On one hand, there are writers that take grammar very serious and the smallest grammar mistake will ruin the whole paper. But, there are other writers that are not strict about the grammar that is within a paper. Sometimes the grammar will suffer, but it does make the paper bad.

I am not a prude when it comes to grammar, but I do have a little habit of correcting my family’s grammar when they say a grammatically incorrect sentence. It’s an ongoing joke, but I mostly do it to get on their nerves. However, Kyle Wiens in “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why.” talks about the importance of perfect grammar for him. In this article, Wiens is reinforcing the idea that perfect grammar is important even outside of writing. He found that people that make fewer grammar mistakes also “…make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing…” I am unsure of what study he did, but the good work that a person does should not be dictated by their grammar choices.

African American Vernacular English, also known as Black English is typically frowned upon in the writing community. Zachary Martin in “AFRICAN AMERICAN LANGUAGE IS GOOD ENGLISH” explains that AAVE is a good way of establishing credibility with an audience. He also mentions that “If ya’ speakin’ in a way ya’ comfortable with it’ll be easier for you to write the way you want.” I would have to agree because I am not going to get my point across trying to use a whole bunch of fancy words that I don’t usually use; it would not be authentic. Then Martin goes on to list some arguments against AAVE, like the fact that it is not taught in schools or how it is hard to read. But, kids hear slang being spoken and they text in slang as well. Yet, it is hard for me to accept this because I was always taught not to to right the way I talk or text.


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