Don’t be mean

Is Grammar That Deep?

I am a huge believer in learning from your mistakes. Having to read I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar, Here’s Why. By Kyle Wiens, opened my eyes that not everyone is a believer in learning from your mistakes. This reading almost infuriated me because having to take a grammar test to even be considered for a job is insane to think about yet justifiable. I understand where he is coming from but what about the people who don’t have English as their first language and may not be as strong in the grammatical field?

This doesn’t mean they should just be automatically rejected. Every individual comes from different backgrounds especially educationally, we were all not taught the same or had the exact same teachers growing up. I feel that being denied a job strictly because of your grammar skills is a little bit uncalled for. One person who may be highly skilled in grammar may not be skilled in other aspects of the job or what the job entails.

 In todays day and age we have to be extremely considerate of where other people are coming from and remember that everyone has equal opportunities which shouldn’t depend on if they know how to use grammar correctly or not. This does however depend on the job they are applying for, some positions may require you to actually use proper grammatical skills whereas others could care less about them. This is the only part that I agree with Wiens, I can tell by his harsh comments that grammatical skills are needed in a more professional work setting. 


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