Scrabble piecies forming the sentence “Choose your words."

Good Grammar= Good English?

Remind me not to work for Kyle Wiens because I would definitely be humbled. After reading Wiens article, “I won’t Hire People WHo Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why.” I just now he would hate me, my grammar isn’t the best. I do, however, see where he is coming from. Grammar definitely is a very important skill to know because without it it can be hard for other people to understand what you are trying to say. This eminded me of Elizabeth Wardle’s study with Alan. Nobody at his work place took him seriously because of his poor grammar skills, among other things. I liked that Wiens at least had some sort of grace for people whose first language wasn’t English and I hope the same grace is given to those who may not have been given proper education, but overall I can agree with his point.

Grammar is important, but so is African American Language. Zachary Martin’s article, “African American Language Is Good English” explains just that. People hate on the use of AAVE or African American Language because of racism but really its just another way of speaking. I think rappers are poets as they use rhetorical devices to get their point across and I agree with Martin that it would sound weird or “stiff,” sometimes you have to change words up to make things sound right and have a good flow. Including the article with the acitivity on whether the line comes from Shakespeare or a rap is a great way of not only engaging the audience, but further proving his point. African American Language is good English and nothing will change that.


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