Different Impacts of Writing



At first when reading Kyle Wiens article “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar” I thought he was being kind of harsh. The further I understood where he was coming from. He pointed out the importance of caring about what may not seem important such as grammar. The smallest grammar mistake and he would pass on offering an applicant a job, even if they have all the credentials for it. He wants a candidate that pays attention to those details because if they do then they’ll also apply that to other situations. I like the last line Wiens says, “All applicants say they’re detail oriented; I just make my employees prove it.” Which to me seems fair since they are claiming to have that certain skill. Therefore as the employer testing the waters sometimes can be beneficial.

However, after reading Carmen Bugan’s article, it made me think and see writing from the opposite point of view. For those who are immigrants, I never thought about or knew how much of an outlet writing is for them. They leave their language behind to learn how to speak and write in English. To them it’s seen as freedom of speech, a new start, and dreams after despair. They look at American writing and think it needs reconstruction. “The English language is hurting: it suffers from materialism, from empty slogans, and it has been reduced to buzzwords.” So while Wiens is worrying about small grammar mistakes, immigrant writers want to transform new life to English writing by using good words that bring peace and understanding. 


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