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Grammar Is Important

In the article “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why” by Kyle Wiens he has an interesting concept when hiring employees. He believes that every employee should take a grammar test before getting hired and if they fail it they won’t get hired. He wants his employees to be proficient in grammar which is understandable for the work that he does. People may think this is extreme, but I don’t think so. Since people in his company have to write I understand why he is so strict in regards to grammar. If someone doesn’t know how to write it will reflect on him and he doesn’t want to look bad. I believe grammar is important and it is something that I feel I need to work on myself.

In the article “Being an immigrant writer in America today” by Carmen Bugan she writes about the struggle her family went through and how America needs immigrants stories now more than ever. I agree that many immigrants come to this country for a better life and for them was to have freedom to write as well. America needs to be able to interact with other countries and understand them as well. We need to hear the stories of others and see what it is like for them. All we truly know is America but there are other beautiful countries out there that we should get to know and coexist with. We should be able to understand other peoples cultural differences and languages maybe this will benefit America’s views on many things.


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