A beautiful image of a book in a calm looking room where there is a fireplace in the background

Famous Author’s Rules in Creative Storytelling

10. You have three months. “The first draft of a book—even a long one—should take no more than three months, the length of a season.”

Passell 2013

As a college student, I find it almost impossible to get a draft done in this short time due to the amount work a normal college student has to do. However, in some other cases in where college isn’t applied- it’s possible to get it done. But even then, I think it would be better to just add one more month so that a writer could get some more time to either revise even though it’s a first draft.

12. Write one word at a time. “A radio talk-show host asked me how I wrote. My reply—’One word at a time’—seemingly left him without a reply. I think he was trying to decide whether or not I was joking. I wasn’t. In the end, it’s always that simple.”

Passell 2013

This rule kind of messes with the previous rule that I’ve just mentioned because if someone were to be stuck on finding one powerful word every time they wrote, it would take so long to get through the draft alone. Instead of just doing one word at a time, why not stretch it out to one paragraph at a time? More likely the writer will be more active and invested into the process of writing.

19. You become a writer simply by reading and writing. “You don’t need writing classes or seminars any more than you need this or any other book on writing… You learn best by reading a lot and writing a lot, and the most valuable lessons of all are the ones you teach yourself.”

Passell 2013

This isn’t a disagreement by no means, more of just my opinion on this matter. It’s definitely possible to write a miraculous book with no further experiences in English and Writing. As for me, I think it would be very beneficial to learn and comprehend through classes and seminars. So much so that I feel like I need the education, I know I don’t have to push myself with assignments and exams- I just think there’s more to storytelling than I think and maybe the classes will help me get a little more in depth.


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