Employment. Resumes. Cover Letters.




I’ve made many different resumes in my life. But I’ve never made a cover letter. A cover letter is where you basically sale yourself before the actual interview.

A resume is basically a list or history of your previous jobs, job titles and positions. the time frame you worked there. Some employers even ask why you decided to leave your last job.

I feel like you have to be a good writer or at least know the rules when it comes to writing a good resume and cover letter. What you put on those two documents have the potential to change your life, instantly. They determine if you will get the job or not. And it’s all based on what you write, the quality, the words you use, the structure.

In Steven King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers, number one on the list says “first write for yourself, and then worry about the audience. I feel like when you write, you should put your heart into it. So for things like resumes and cover letters you should write freely. Write what you feel, write what comes to your mind, write what you understand. Then you should go back in and pay more attention to the rules, the structure, how professional you sound and all of that.

Purdue University has an online writing lab that helps. they have a step by step layout on how to write cover letters and resumes. It’s great for first timers. It can also help anyone who has experience, polish up.


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