Understanding Employment In the Writing World



When it comes to employment in the writing world, there are a lot of things that you can do. From teachers to self-published authors, there’s a lot that you can do in the field. But… How do you prepare a resume and a cover letter for that kind of job? Schools don’t teach you how to get ready to do all that. By the time you’re in college you might already have a job, but nothing professional. When it comes to more professional jobs, you need to have a few things ready. Mainly a resume and a cover letter. But how do you make those perfect? What do you need to make your resume look good? Among all that, what kind of job are you looking for?

When thinking about writing, if it’s academic or not, there are going to be a few things to think about. Looking to famous author, Stephen King, he gives us some tips on writing. The biggest factor he’s mentioned is to write for yourself first before writing for your audience. You want to reach people that think similar to you right? But even then, you want to make sure you get everything out before revising. Once you’re revising, you can cut out parts that you don’t need. Some other important pieces of advice that are given to use by King are also to: Take breaks, Writing is about getting happy, and stick to your own style. These are important to make sure that when writing these are all things to keep in mind.

Writing that Cover Letter!

Looking at Purdue University’s guide on how to write a cover letter, there are many things to be mindful of. Writing a cover letter is like writing a letter to someone, explaining your strengths and why they should choose you to hire. It feels simple right? To just explain away your years of experience and why you’d make a great fit for them. You have to make sure your details make sense, and more importantly, you’re not lying about these things. Sure go ahead and lie, but when the time comes you have to prove your worth, it’s better to just be truthful about what you’re good at.

As long as you can support what you’re writing then you shouldn’t have an issue with making a cover letter! It’s best to be truthful about your strengths and weakness while also making sure you’re proving that you can be the best pick of the bunch. You should make sure that your letter is clear and concise without any real big words that could confuse anyone. Just make sure it sounds professional.

The Resume

You’ve probably figured out how to do a resume, if you gotten a job somewhere. So what does it need? A lot of places require you to list where you’ve worked beforehand, and how long you’ve been working for. This is pretty standard, along with your talents and if you speak any other languages. They also want to know how well you did in school, if you made the deans list, and even how high your GPA is. A lot of this stuff are things that you have on hand. Now all you have to do is make sure that the list looks presentable.

All you have to do is make sure is all your information looks neat and in order, and you can make a great cover letter and resume!


One response to “Understanding Employment In the Writing World”

  1. […] Professionalism is necessary as one matures and enters the workforce. Despite its necessity, what constitutes professionalism seems to be perfectly crafted to act as my personal hell. I’ve written resumes before, but when tasked with revising mine and updating it for a hypothetical career, I could feel myself starting to sweat. The pressure only increased with the addition of a cover letter to the assignment, a document that I have no previous experience with. Luckily for me (and anyone else who feels similar dread at the prospect of presenting themselves professionally), there are plenty of helpful resources to guide me along in the process. […]

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