decoration saying "write without fear. edit without mercy."

Advice for Writing



Stephen King has always been a familiar name to me from movies like “It” or “In the Tall Grass.” I have never gotten a chance to read any of his books, but I am very interested in reading them. In the current article I read I was looking forward for his advice to writers since he is a very well-known author, many people love his work. His rules seem very easy to apply to writing, none of them sounded difficult or impossible to apply but one that stood out to me was when he said, “do not worry about making other people happy”. I believe as an individual when it comes to writing the repeating thought, we have is doubting ourselves and doubting our work, questioning whether or not people will enjoy my writing? Having lack of confidence will make it quite impossible to finish any task, the quality may not be the best and it can be an immense process.

I believe that is a good piece of advice anyone can take and apply to any aspect in their life not just writing. Reading is another main key factor he mentioned in the article. There are people who love reading and then there’s people who hate reading. The way Stephen described reading was like a brain exercise to get your mind up and moving. As a writer I believe is very essential for them to read, I mean how are you a writer, but you don’t read? It’s like it goes together with each other.


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