Metaphoric writing




In “Ten Ways To Think About Writing: Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Student” by E. Shelley Reid. Reid article had provide enough for me to understand on what I can do to improve my writing. When I think about i’ll have to see what kind of metaphoric Writing I would use and one up my writing. I want to know what I can add to my writing to where people can be engaged easily. With the help from Reid, and feedback from someone of experience I can get to that goal.

One of the topics is “Writing as Conversation”. I like this one a lot because when writing it feels better when its like I’m texting someone. At the same time I’m pulling in the reader with what I have to say by providing them detail as if I’m communicating to someone. That would go well with “Writing as a Visual Art” because visualizing what is being said helps with the imagery. Reid article can be used as a resource, it is something that I can look back to if needed.

Writing the flow has to change with the audience to keep the audience attention. Take control of the writing make them see what you see. When doing so that will keep them on their toes on what to expect next. The goal is to inform but also entertain the audience when telling a story. The details will make sure nothing goes over the audience read and get a full picture from what you say.

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