The Art of the Witing Process



In Berkenkotter’s “Decisions and Revisions: The PlanningStrategies of a Publishing Write”. The author does a study using a well-skilled writer known as Murray to observe his writing process. In this study, the environment when writing, the time given, and prompts were used to see Murray’s writing process. 

Before reading both Berkenkotter’s Journal Article and Murray’s “Response of a Laboratory Rat or Being Protocoled,” I had never heard of the idea of “the” writing process or that writing was a process. Normally, when I write it is usually for academic purposes or personal reasons like journaling. Majority of my life I have had to do mostly writing academically, writing could feel more like a task than an art. Because of this, one can have more of a robotic approach to writing. Rather, think of things like the setting where you write, how does timing affects your writing, how hydration or hunger affects writing, etc. There is so much to think about, realizing that writing is a process. 

They aremany benefits of being aware of the writing process.It allows a writer to make adjustments to their techniques to complete the piece at hand better. In Murray’s case, it made him realize how much he put into planning.How immensely aware he was of the audience while writing, and even identified things in revision. The realization of the writing process can change one’s perspective. Making them see writing less as a task and more as an art that takes time to master. Leadimg the writer’s pieces to become work of art.


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