There is an “I” in Writing. Why Not Use It.




Writing blogs can seem pretty awesome because it’s a glimpse of one’s thoughts and opinions. (We) as bloggers are able to freely utilize the pronoun “I” and NOT be condemned for it. I adore how Maddalena began her article. It not only grabbed my brain cells at first read, but I got it. I knew exactly where this was headed and what to expect. Knowing this was stated further into the read, so Maddalena knew exactly what she was doing. LOL! The overall text engaged the reader because the analogies were realistic and made it easy to grasp the concept of what the topic of discussion was going to be.

This read pretty much expresses the theory or idea to simply be “ok” with utilizing First Person in writing. There is an “I” in writing, right? This concept though was geared more towards College Writing to be specific. Of course only when appropriate in this discipline of writing. Appropriate meaning when your academic courses and required context allow. In some disciplines, we’re simply unable to type or write “I” when expressing thoughts. Why? Due to research and other bodies of writing that call for general explanations, statics and other STUFF, as my professor would say.

Utilizing first person, provides so much more than we were taught in school. It’s not just being selfish in your writing or not knowing what direction to flow in, so you simply “overuse” and “overdo” the “I”. LOL! However, first person usage in College Writing can define your perspective on a topic and give more meaning to your stance and content. Doing so, is also a clear transition to a new idea.

First person shows Ownership of text, but also shows Objectivity and Rhetorical Sophistication. Not just repetition and a body of work full of i’s and emptiness. LOL! “I” doesn’t have to sound selfish. It can express that divide or clarity between your voice and another peer or scholar. “I” stands alone, but can often make a strong and extremely communicative argument or point.


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