Discourses and Multiple Literacies




Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction

Gee states, whenever we are using language we have to say or write the right thing in the right way, while playing the right social role and appearing to hold the right values, beliefs, and attitudes. I agree with this statement. If you are with your friends you act and talk a certain way, but when you are at work you talk and act differently. The importance is saying, writing, doing, being,valuing, and believing combinations. These are called “Discourse” with a capital D and “discourse” with lowercase d means connected stretches of language that make sense, which means discourse is part of Discourse. Literacy is defined as the mastery of or fluent control over a secondary Discourse. I never viewed literacy as Gee is interpreting it. I just always viewed it as knowing how to read and write. To be honest his definition is a bit confusing for me.

Multiple Literacies, New
Literacies, and Teacher Education

Cervetti, Damico, and Pearson state that education programs are supposed to help teachers understand students on multiple literacies and link literacy instruction with student’s lives in meaningful ways. I believe that this is important because this is how a teacher can connect with a student and it engages the student as well. They feel like the belong because they can relate to what they are learning. Literacy needs to be connected to the inside and outside of school. Learning new multiple literacy is also important. The authors also talk about text and technology and this is also very important. Teachers need to learn new ways with technology because nowadays all the youth uses is technology phones, laptops, etc. As a teacher we must learn new ways to teach students with multiple literacy skills. 


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