Style and Voice





Find Your Style and Voice by Sister Molly Heine:

Finding your own way of writing can feel daunting. It can feel complicated to figure out how to include yourself in different types of writing and how much of yourself should be seen and involved. I struggled with this as well. Throughout high school, and college, I have been told to write outside of the first person perspective many times. Especially for research papers. Reading this article made me realize I have taught myself how to find my own style and voice. That I’ve been doing it without realizing it. Whenever I write outside of school purposes, I use what I’ve learned from other works. Observing how they write dialogue, description words, when to incorporate a certain emotion. One of the pieces of advice in the article is to write out of your comfort zone. This is a great piece of advice because many stay in the area they are comfortable with, nervous to make an embarrassing mistake if they explore other areas. However, making mistakes comes with learning. I was hesitant as well, expanding my writing skills. Yet, when I started I was able to personally learn. Get a hand-on experience and not stay in one place.  My vocabulary expanded, so did the way I write. I played around with different types of writing, such as poetry. Getting involved with poetry gave me a chance to practice rhyming and expand my creativity. Diving myself into areas outside of my comfort zone allowed me to learn new skills and improve my writing overall.


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