Author: Genesis Velazquez Atienza

  • There is a pile of books of different genres.

    Write for Me

    My audiences are not the narrators. I want to write what makes me happy, without worrying about trying to please everyone.

  • A bunch of pink letters are scrambled up.

    Grammar Police

    Although using proper grammar is essential for success in the workplace, there are times when it’s easier to overlook when we’re at ease.

  • A phone shows the word design and its definition.

    Text Design

    When I am creating a document, I try to make it a priority to consider the visual appeal and content quality of my writing.

  • Five scrabble pieces are aligned to form the word "Focus."

    Productive Focus

    When am I at my most productive? It’s not while I’m multitasking, so is it when I’m concentrating on one thing at a time?

  • There is writing on glass that says if you never know failure, you will never know success.

    Failures Seen Through Collaboration

    How can we best find our failures? Are they something to hide from or ignore? Or can they be the ice breaker to a discussion?

  • A person is holding up a clapperboard.

    Process of Writing

    The process of writing cannot be captured realistically 100% and the think-aloud protocol is a prime example of why not.

  • Jenga pieces have been built into a tower. Some pieces from the middle are missing and placed on the top.

    Outline My “Shitty First Draft”

    Not all writers allow themselves to write shitty first drafts. Instead, we revise and outline as we go, until we are pleased with the result.

  • A man is sketching a design for a building.

    Writing As An Architect

    Writing is a process. It can defy rules and reason, constructing an end result that is unlike its original plan. So how do we approach it?

  • To Have Authority is to Adapt

    What does it mean to have authority? And how can we as writers learn to maintain and convey that authority in different settings?

  • A person is writing a checklist and crossing off the ones completed.

    Discourse Identification

    What constitutes a discourse community, and how can we characterize it? By providing us with a check list, Swale answers our question.