Author: menjenni

  • decoration saying "write without fear. edit without mercy."

    Advice for Writing

    Stephen King mentioned a few advice for writers to apply to their writing. I can also apply these advice to my life not just writing.

  • A bunch of pink letters are scrambled up.

    Professional Writing

    One simple mistake in a professional writing can have individuals look at you differently and not professional. But what if it was a mistake?

  • A woman is in her car, and she is on her phone presumably texting someone.

    Technology and Classrooms

    Having a device in a classroom may cause a distraction to the student. But I don’t believe phones should be banned from classrooms.

  • a laptop open to a document with headphones laying on the keyboard

    Editing and Formatting

    Editing and formatting documents it’s actually quite more important than an individual think it is. It plays a huge role between the writer and audience.

  • sleepy rat laying down on stable

    Why are Revisions important?

    Alot of things play into writing, in this reading they conduct an MRD research and see what plays into an individual writing such as setting.

  • person with hands over face stressed and anxious

    Is my first Draft Bad?

    First drafts shouldn’t be considered bad but maybe a motivated step to guide us to the final draft. We shouldn’t think of it as bad.

  • Tro different hands are reaching for each other. One hand at the top, and another at the bottom. It seems as though the bottom hand needs guidance.

    Is writing hard?

    When a writer has to follow rules of writing it can sometimes make it a little challenging for them to write. They may face many obstacles.

  • Portrait of a woman in multiple angles

    Learning writing in Identity

    Adapting to a new workplace is important especially if the business wants an individual to write a specific way for the business.

  • woman discussing feedback given

    Reading and Writing Authority

    Learning the six terms of discourse community. Discourse communities share a common goal, belief and values. Whereas Roger and Janet its about knowledge.

  • Six scrabble pieces are placed together to form the question "Who Are You"

    Struggles with Feedback

    Feedback can be seen as either negative or positive but how can we apply feedback? Learning that feedback can be used as a tool for a writer.