Author: Dimitri

  • Teaching Writing Benefits

    Becoming Your Own Expert-Teachers as Writers by Tim Gillespie discusses the importance of teachers becoming writers in order to connect with..

  • Professional Writers

    I thought the article “I won’t hire people who use poor grammar. Here’s why,” by Kyle Wiens was a very interesting read. The reason is that..

  • Multimodal Composing

    The article, An Introduction to and Strategies for Multimodal Composing by Melanie Gagich was definitely a good read. I learned that the…..

  • Multitasking

    After reading The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing by Danielle M. Lottridge I was pretty shocked. I feel like my whole..

  • Collabs and Failure

    There is one collaborative writing where the assignment comes from one person until it gets to the end of the group. If you did not take place

  • Revising Writing

    will not lie, I was never the best at editing and revising. There are times when you have to sit there and write a 30-page paper.

  • First Drafts

    I recently read up on Anne Lamott’s Shitty First Drafts from Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life and George Dilla…

  • Ten Metaphors

    E. Shelley Reid’s Ten Ways To Think About Writing: Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Students is an insightful guide.

  • Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Workplaces

    According to Wardle, writing in new work environments involves interactions of various factors, such as the writer’s knowledge of the reader..

  • Authority

    Both Ann M. Penrose and Cheryl Geisler wrote an article on reading and writing without authority. Throughout the article,