Talks about first person when writing in a college setting. Also like a POV.

How Essential to say “I” in college for the first time.

by: Terri Taylor

We’ve all used I before in our writing to describe ourselves doing a specific action or saying. But this Article talks about how in higher education, we shouldn’t use “I.” We should use first-person words to explain our writing stories. Doing so will make your writing sound mature and connect to the topic of your paper. For example, when we have to describe ourselves to someone else or a larger group of people. Also, we count on using “I” more than we should. Using I create a personal story or connection. But students should find information that would help assist in what they’re trying to get across. The Article also says to use more educational words to describe different situations that can happen in your life instead of saying “I” all the time exploring other sayings that relate to “I” like you, me, she, he, it. The Article also states that giving your opinion or using your voice also refrains from using “I” when it’s unnecessary. More substantial synonyms in your writing will catch the reader’s attention. The reader may look up the definition of the word you used and learn something new from your paper. The article also states how to addressusing first person depending on where you are and the environment around you. This can help you improve skills you may not have or want to increase during your college years especially for education majors teaching English writing. It’s good to know when and when not to use “I”.


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