Multiply Literacies




Everyone has different ways of showing emotions and expressions, so when it comes to literacies it is expressed in various ways. Literacy can play different roles such as professional and physical well-being. For me, it has been shown in both roles because of everyday life experiences. In the article written by James Paul Gee, he talks about language and how it can be misleading to others around you. “It is not just what you say, but how you say it”. This is important to those who are trying to get a career in a professional field or conversation. This affects me professionally, as a future therapist I will have to learn to speak to my colleagues and clients in a certain way for them to take me seriously. In a sense, I would have to “code-switch” in a professional setting while working. By doing this I would have to use proper grammar, appropriate greetings within emails, using proper punctuation, etc. Compared to how I would interact with my friends and family outside of my professional setting. Literacies come in different forms, and you will have to know how and when to use it. Luke’s “Pedagogy, connectivity, multimodality, and interdisciplinarity” article, mentioned how media comes into play with communication. “The global cross-cultural information flow on the Internet and the global composition of many virtual communities (whether chat, gaming, special interest, or classroom communities) require new ways of thinking about transcultural communication”, this caught my attention because for my generation (Gen-Z) we communicate differently than the generation that came before us. 


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