Does Grammar matter? Is African American Language Good English?




The article, “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why,” discusses how important it is to hire people who know how to write in proper grammar. Throughout the article, Kyle Wiens goes into detail about why grammar is so important. One of the things that Wiens mentioned that stood out to me is if people don’t know basic grammar then there are probably other skills that they lack. I can agree with this because we write every day. This can be a text message, a blog, an essay, or even a post on social media. If we don’t know the basic grammar that would lead to a lack of communication or expressing yourself clearly to an audience. This also follows another point that Kyle Wiens mentioned which is the importance of grammar. Grammar is so important because it helps us communicate clearly and get our point across. A lot of careers are based on good grammar and if you don’t have good grammar you won’t get the job. 

The article, “African American Language Is Good English” speaks about how African American Vernacular English is good English. Throughout the article, the author gives out reasons to back up why AAVE is good English. To start there was a point that Zachary Martin made that I didn’t think about until after I had read the article. What Marin said is that most people label African American Language as not good English because of society. For example, a lot of people believe that African American Language is not good English because of what they have seen from the media. Such as “Black English are ignorant thugs and gangsters with nothing going on in their heads.” People believe this because of what they see constantly in TV shows or movies that involve African Americans. Also, a lot of this media is written by white men meaning they don’t have the knowledge or background to demonstrate African American language. But what people don’t know is that the African American language has a more “passion” to it than standard English which is one of the factors that makes AAVE good English. I hope that one day people can see the same perspective as Martin does and not view African American language as what they see in the media.


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