Kyle Wienes

I won’t hire people who use poor grammar…

I think Kyle Wienes is kind of insane. He starts his argument by saying, If you think an apostrophe was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, you will never work for me. If you think a semicolon is a regular colon with an identity crisis, I will not hire you. If you scatter commas into a sentence with all the discrimination of a shotgun, you might make it to the foyer before we politely escort you from the building.

Like, Huh? I mean I kind of get what he’s saying but I don’t really like the way he’s explaining it. It’s strange to me. So commas, semicolons, and apostrophes are bad?

Well, Mr. Kyle my name actually has an apostrophe in it. And I sometimes put multiple commas in one sentence and… I NEVER EVEN USE SEMICOLONS. Does this mean I have poor grammar? Does this mean I can come work for you? Am I unteachable, can you not help me?

I’m not really offended I’m just kidding. I know for a fact I am not a professional writer. Not just yet. I do my best though. I feel like there’s too many rules and I can’t keep up with all the punctuations marks and all the “proper” ways to say things. I would rather type how I talk but in some situations I know thats not acceptable so I try my best to talk as professionally as I can. even if I don’t want too..


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