Intensive Indeed.

Many people including renowned writers still find writing difficult after finishing school. Thus there are many reasons to study writing.

My reasons for writing are as follows; to get a grade, to express myself, to communicate on a much more formal plane of understanding. Better known as, I don’t want to talk to you in person syndrome.

As a freshman in college during my intro to college composition course I realized very quickly that there were about a thousand more reasons to write. I would not like a single one of them. Reasons like professional emailing, legal documentation, presenting concepts and ideas.

I work at an Ophthalmologist office, and they mock me daily. To them I am the English major, with the most atrocious handwriting, who would get sued if she ever tried to write a professional legal document.

I even often find myself constant writing letters for patients and running them by the Dr. before mailing to make sure it is professional enough because I don’t think prison is a lifestyle I can sustain. So to say Writing is a necessity would be a bit of an understatement at this point in my my life.

It’s Rough Out Here

Flash forward to my senior year, and and I have written my fingers into stumps one assignment at a time. I am loosing my will to write at a steady pace. Even the writing I did for fun and creativity hurts my soul. Sauvini calls it “The uneasy feeling of a blank Page and a looming deadline”. I’m assigned a reflection paper by my Environmental science teacher in the fall semester. He gives me no parameters other than it has to be a page long. That’s all, no MLA formatting, no requirements for citations, nothing.

For context, the paper itself was about a video called “The Queen of Trees”. A fifty-two minute documentary on the wonderful world of a fig tree and all its creepy crawly inhabitants. More background, I was sick and heavily medicated at the time. I was not Pleased and thus titled my reaction paper “I Hate You”. My, lets call it creativity, only increased from there. I ended the essay with “I hold you responsible for all psychological damages”.

Shockingly, though I didn’t write much I found myself enjoying writing again even if it was simply to bash a documentary video. My teacher reads the paper and compliments my ability to tell a story and keep an otherwise boring topic interesting. At first I was just happy he didn’t cuss me out. Then I realized how sincere a compliment what he said was. So then came registration for Spring 2023 and I picked up a writing course.

In the end writing is a necessity for everyone, and is an integral part of every career field. Everyone should at least learn the basics to keep themselves legally covered.


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