Why Study Writing?

Writing is very important and should be studied. It is how we communicate through language. Writing is more than a form of communication, it is also a main form of expression; it is art for many writers. Letters are sent to communicate, textbooks are published to provide information to the reader, novels, poems and stories are written for entertainment and the list continues. Throughout many periods of time writing was and is still used for inscriptions on tombs, legal documents, scientific and religious purposes, songs, and prayer. Studying writing opens up many opportunities such as developing one’s creativity and to learn and understand even more than you already know. You can also explore history in a way by seeing the writing styles and context of a particular time period. The way language was spoken during different eras are seen in writing. Studying writing also helps to improve using the English language for example. In our digital world, we text often and that becomes a normal way of communication. One can develop bad habits where you find yourself writing in a course how you would write in a text message. When we do not practice writing formally, or of a specific style, the language spoken gets lost. Writing can help improve our grammar, punctuation, parts of speech, and increase our vocabulary. Therefore, by studying writing, you can improve your own writing and speaking skills by spending time studying different forms of the art. Writing requires good reading skills and helps build confidence through self-expression. Though mastering the art of writing takes years of practice, it is very unique to every individual writer.


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