Finding your way into a writing assignment





Finding my way into a writing assignment is an interesting topic as a college student. Looking for trouble:Finding your way into a writing assignment by Catherine Savini is an article that explains that finding your way into a writing assignment can be complex as you move on from highschool to college.

For me personally, as I got into college I noticed that when I would get into a writing assignment the paper would start off with me identifying a problem or an ongoing issue within society and explain my argument with evidence. The way I write my thesis, my arguments all stem from a problem. Which makes sense, what paper would be good if everything in the world was perfect whether if we were writing about something fictional or not.

What I love about finding my way into a writing assignment is that there is no right or wrong answer or way to go into the assignment. It comes down to you as the writer to state a problem, grab the reader’s attention with a strong thesis statement to introduce your argument and support your argument with evidence as with some writing assignments you are trying to persuade the reader.

Finding your way into a writing assignment does vary, a professor can assign you to a persuasive paper, a personal paper etc. my favorite is a persuasive paper because it gives me the ability to pick something i think should be brought to light and once i write my thesis and state my argument i have found my way into a writing assignment.


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