Why is studying writing as essential as it is?





Writing is a crucial part of everyday life. No matter the circumstance, reading and writing are always bound to be the basics of the puzzle pieces to the human language. They can also act as gateways to set human minds free, as it could offer escapes and creative outlets that being illiterate does not offer. Such wide varieties of writing (and reading) exist; the reason for this is that the world, in general, offers outlets and diversity in the forms of dialects and literal languages that differ from region upon region covering the known world (where there are known lands and different language barriers than the U.S).

First and foremost, writing offers the reader a chance to open their eyes to new perspectives that may vocalize a familiar point or may not personally to them. What matters most in the opportunity to gain other perspectives is the willingness to discover them and help to expand them. A prime example is this prompt. There may be several appeals to the prompt that not all will see. The new viewpoints may be embraced and better understood if there is an effort to look deeper into writing and why it matters.

Even if no agreement has been reached on a viewpoint in writing, authors are still presented with a chance to be their most expressive. Oftentimes, authors run on a basic need to tell their story or their opinion. Writing appeals to different upbringings. It can offer the quiet that can be desired with many voices leaning one way or another with opinions. It can allow you to speak loudly about the most important viewpoints that you place value upon. A simple example is the task of preparing for a speech. Authors can find it of the utmost importance to use such an important medium to communicate to themselves what needs to be said vocally to an audience.

At the collegiate level, writing is the basic building block to future endeavors. Whether these future endeavors are personal or professional, being illiterate and unable to convey writing skills as an important aspect to life, have detrimental effects. Professionally, those unable to recognize writing as a basic skill, are 4.4% more impacted– negatively speaking– in terms of their future wages in longer-term careers. On a personal note, illiteracy may put children of such adults in conflict. Writing is a core part of a young child’s learning system, so if a parent cannot provide it, the child may endure problems in their development.

All in all, writing and all of the studies backing it are essential. They help unveil key thoughts and ideas, they help those needing an outlet to express themselves or be creative, and they help in the long term with real-world career paths or personal paths. It is important to analyze the importance of writing. Doing so can help a lasting impact to form for others’ works and one’s own.


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