Technical about Writing




Writing is a big part in our life. Most people write about anything that involves a topic/problem. it can be in a journal, essay, blog and etc. it takes time, great concept, techniques, steps and etc. some people doesn’t realized that there’s many step to begin a paper instead of just writing as you go. taking your time finding the problem for a essay can leader you to a good paper.

You can’t teach writing in General

I know you’re probably looking at the title and are confused what it means but its a deep Definition to it. you cant just writing anything in general. most people believe its possible to write in general but if that was the case then they’re would be no English teachers teaching us to learn how to write properly. its okay to struggle and make mistakes in writing if you dont fully know the concepts and steps about writing instead of writing in general. thats why we have English teachers to teach us what real definition to become a good writer. writing in general means that it wont be a specific topic you’re writing about and you’re just writing as you go so not only it will confused the audience but you will eventually be confused as you write and it would just be a confused paper. for example, The author writes fiction book for the audience to read to make it interesting for the audience. he knows what the audience what to read therefore, the author will take his time and joint down points to make a good essay.

Looking for Trouble

Getting started with a new assignment can be really difficult therefore look for something you need help in, point out the difficulties and find the solution. it doesn’t matter if it takes all day to solve a problem. take your time and find the best solution. mistakes and problem happens in life and what makes a successful leader is to wrestle with problems. finding a problem through a essay can lead you to a good start to your thesis or argument paper or real life. it’s all about taking your time and think.


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