Writing: The Science and Art


If there is one thing you can take away from Elizabeth Wardle and Catherine Savini is that writing isn’t as cut and dry as most people would have you believe. You can’t just sit down in front of a notebook or computer and just says, “Alright let’s get to it.” Writing is stressful art that takes a certain level of creativity, will, and dare I say toil. Catherine Savini in her book, “Looking for Trouble: Finding your Way into a Writing Assignment,” puts it rather eloquently when she describes writing as the process of formulating a problem to identify, solution, and the sequence of events that follow.

Elizabeth Wardle in, “You Can’t Teach General Writing,” puts it herself when she straight ups states that there is no such thing as general writing. All works of literature appeal to a specific audience whether in formal or informal environments. Studying writing isn’t so much learning how to structure a sentence, it is so much more than that, it its about knowing to whom you are writing to and who to make your writing appealing and appropriate to them. There is no such thing as sitting down and jotting whatever comes to mind, writing is as much a process as it is an art, there is a methodology to it – a sense of rational structure.

The study of writing is important in a field because all forms of writing are meant to appeal to certain people looking at specific problems with specific solutions.


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