Different Ways of Writing


I agree with Wardle in regards to the idea that “we can all learn to write in general” is not just a harmless myth, it’s a dangerous idea that needs to die. What does that even mean? How do you explain writing in general? We should all know that there are different types of writings and we should learn the different ways we need to write for different situations. We should use our prior knowledge of writing and apply that to new situations. 

Savini’s way of writing a paper is very interesting and I never thought of it this way. Looking for trouble in four steps is a unique way to help you with an assignment or like she says in any kind of problem you may have. It does get you thinking though I feel like this actually takes more time than just sitting down and writing your paper or thinking of a draft. In a way I feel like this is more work for me and I may go off topic. It may also be because it is a new idea and I haven’t tried it. I am a little skeptical but I am willing to try it at some point.

Both of the authors have different ways of writing. Elizabeth talks about using your prior knowledge in writing and applying it to different situations and learning from them. While Catherine goes over steps on how to actually write an assignment. They both make good points that we can use to help with our writing situations.


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