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Writing Assignment




Because problems are expected part of life, personal and professional success can be determine when we learn how to deal with
them. A good way to approach an assignment can be to look for problems. Sometimes focusing on the problem helps us write better. Identifying a specific problem and asking questions can help avoid unsuccessful compare and contrast essay. Unsuccessful compare and contrast essay don’t develop arguments. It simply catalogs the differences and similarities. It is sometimes our responsibility to find a problem. Sometimes process and product may benefit from a
focus on a specific problem. A problem can motivate a good paper, which can lead to good thesis or argument.

Looking for Problem

There are four steps to find problems and to develop meaningful projects. The first one is by noticing. We must identify everything that seems unique and stands out in a text. We need to look for particular idea, concept, or image that seem surprising or repetitive. Focus on things that perplex us. There’s no “right” or “wrong” during this step, we need to take note. The second step is to articulate a problem and its details. It is to juxtapose texts talking about the same subject and to find the points of contradictions and tension. Find discrepancies between our own experiences and the arguments of the text. One must identify the central ideas of a text. Find gaps or interesting things that the text doesn’t talk about. The third step is to ask fruitful questions. After identifying some problem, we must make a list of good questions. Those questions will help develop arguments. The questions must be considered in the context of the academic discipline for which we are writing. The last step is to know what is at stake. It is important to identify why the question you are asking is worth pursuing, in order to interest our reader. Know the benefits of finding the answers to these questions, and what it would cause to not answer them.


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