brain cells

Can I really Make Multitask?




According to the article by Travis Bradberry may damage people’s brain, and kill their performance. People are more productive doing a single thing than when they are multitasking. People who complete one task at a time are more productive than those who are in their electronical device, try to pay attention to conversations, and do their work at the same time.

Can Multitasking Be a Skill?

Some people believe that multitasking helps their performance. According to Research conducted at Stanford University people who believe that and multitask a lot are very bad at multitasking. It is difficult for them to organize their thoughts and sort out relevant and irrelevant information. It also takes them a long time to switch from one task to another. Multitasking slows people down. Because people’s brain can only focus on one thing at a time makes people less efficient. Trying to do several things at once reduces the ability to do each of these things successfully. Multitasking decreases the quality of work. It makes it more difficulties for people to concentration, attention to detail, and organization information.

Multitasking Affect the Brain

Multitasking has negative effects on the brain. Researchers at the University of Sussex found that people who did a lot of multitasking such as texting while watching TV had less brain density in the anterior cingulate cortex than those who do not. according to the Neuroscientist Kep Kee Loh the way people think might be changed by the way they interact with the devices, and and this changes might affect brain structure.


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