Document Design



I knew that how a document design is very important, I just never considered how important the writing also was. This is because it is very easy to tell when something doesn’t look right. Just one quick glance and you can tell very quickly if something isn’t formatted correctly. If one part of the text is a different font, different font size, different color, and more. Photos are getting harder to tell if fake with AI and Photoshop unless the AI and Photoshop are really bad. It is easy to look at something and notice it is off-putting. The words themselves can’t just be looked at to see if the content is off. You have to read the thoroughly document sometimes to see what is off. The writing needs to be just as good as the images. If the images do catch people’s eyes, then they look at the content. If the writing isn’t up to the same standards that can be off-putting. 

I always saw it as making eye-catching images and then fixing the writing once you drew the audience in. But they really do have to be equal and almost at the same time. For you need to know the content to have a good image and a good image to make people want to read the content. They both need to continue to be on the same standard or it drives people away. That is a hard thing to master because people tend to have specific strengths. If you can write well, then making a photo as good as your writing can be very difficult. That is why there are usually different people working on the same thing. Authors and writers, not both in one. It is very rare to see that, so those who can do both are very impressive.


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