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How Important Is The Word “I” In Writing?



Why I?

All throughout my school career I was almost trained to never use the word “I” whenever I am writing any essay, article, or just writing in general. I would be graded horribly if I overused the word, or used the word at all. All of my english and writing taught us that using the word “I” in any writing made the material less than. But, after reading “I need you to say ‘I’: Why First Person Is Important in College Writing,” by Kate McKinney Maddalena, I understand the importance of using the word “I” in my writing. Maddalena constituted an outline, where she described different situations. Moreover, the topic uncovered here is a great example of a quality essay.

Why should you use it?

When deciding to use a first individual pronoun such as “I,” its important not to avoid it because it can lead to awkward constructions and vagueness, while using the first person can improve your writing style. Your ability choose to use “I” but not create some remark to your individual happenings in a particular paper, or you ability involve a brief writing of an knowledgethat could help exemplify a point you’re making utilizing the word “I.” After reading the article, Maddalena offers a counterargument to that anti-I perspective in this essay. She provides a thorough explanation of all of the reasons if, when, and where first-person references might actually enhance your writing. Maddalena also explains why and how first-person references could weaken it, giving you a better understanding of both sides of the argument. I remember struggling to differentiate my ideas from any interpretations or analyses I had when writing anything and whether or not I should be using the word “I.” But after reading the article it helped me clarify how to do so more effectively.


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