Revising Your Work Won’t Kill You




In school, we were always taught to revise your essays and other types of work after you finished. Sometimes it was optional, other times we were forced to with a peer. However, the main takeaway we were supposed to get when doing those assignments was that going back to improve and fix your previous work is not a waste of time, and there are ways of improving your ability to revise and create your work if you struggle with it.

Before you put your pen to the paper, it would be best to have a clear idea of what you want to write about. In Christopher Morales’ article “Diversifying Your Outlines“, he goes about how you can plan out your essays in whatever method that works for you, whether that is writing it out in text, or drawing out and story boarding your ideas. However, the main idea is that there is no set way you can plan out the main meat of your essay, and you should do whatever works for you in order to decide and cement the ideas you want to express.

When writing your essay, it can be easy to stumble into writer’s block. Writer’s block is when you get stuck when writing and you are unable to come up with ideas that you are satisfied with. In Michaela Ramirez’s article, Writer’s Block Is Easily Preventable, she goes over ways that she tries to combat writers block, such as having background noise to help get her brain to work when she was stuck. However, the main idea of the article, similar to Morales’ article is that you should do whatever works for you to help you get over writers block. For example, when I am stuck I like to take a break and listen to music when I am stuck so I can get my brain flowing with creative ideas. You should do whatever works for you in order to get yourself out of the rut when you are stuck creativly.

Failure is inevitable. No matter what, there is something that you will not succeed at or fail. However, you shouldn’t fear failing. In Alexus Yeakel’s article Failure Is Awesome, she talks about how failure is essential to self improvement and growth and failing allows you to see what and how you can improve, and lets you grow and a person in some way.

The main idea from all of these articles is how there is no set way of planning, creating, and improving. You should do whatever works for you, whether it’s planning out in words or drawings, writing in one of multiple sittings, or revising your work alone or with a friend.


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