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The Challenges In The Writing Process!




15 Mar 2023

No matter what you are writing and who you are writing to, writing is definitely challenging. Even though there might be different levels of difficulties depending on the grade level but there is no doubt that keeping up with all of these rules while maintaining your central focus is easier said than done. In addition to the rules that E. Sherley describes in her article, “Ten Ways To Think About Writing: Metaphor Musings for College Writing Students”, she writes, “When we write to the rules, writing seems like more like a chore than a living process that connects people and moves the world forward.” One of my pet peeves about writing is quoting. My problem is not with the fact that I have to quote, it’s the different rules that have to be followed whether you’re quoting a book, an article, or when paraphrasing. Sometimes, we pay so much attention on following the rules that we often lost the central focus of the topic, the purpose of the piece we were writing about, and even our audience.

How The Writing Process Can Be Less Challenging!

To avoid going too far back, just in the few alone, there have been so many changes, and evolutions to things to provide us with a better life. Whether it’s the law, technology, or even education. Revising the rules of writing to incorporate Sherley’s three broader principles definitely deserves some attention. One of Sherley’s three broader principles she mentions in her article, Ten Ways To Think About Writing is to “Write about what you know about, are curious about, are passionate about (or what you can find a way to be curious about or interested in” (E. Sherley Reid). Successful writing needs passion and interest because they bring a positive to your writing. Diverging our memory to week five when we had to complete the Literacy Narrative assignment. I felt like I was writing from my heart because I was writing about something I knew about, and had been part of my life story. I had the same feeling when I read some of the other students’ narratives as well. Writing might be challenging, however, there are steps that can be done to diminish the unnecessary stress of following too many rules, so we can keep our focus on the author, and the reader.


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