Saying “I” Gives My Voice The Freedom It Deserves To Express Myself!





08 Feb 2023

We have been taught many rules about writing different types of papers. Argumentative essay, persuasive, analytical and so on. One of those rules happened to be whether or not we should use I when writing. I like to believe that the jury is still out on that question because there are different reasons, and opinions; depending who you ask. For instance, Kate McKinney Maddalina states many reasons why it is important to use I in your paper; while Sister Molina shares a different opinion.

When Is It Okay To Say “I”?

Should We Or Should We Not Use “I”


One response to “Saying “I” Gives My Voice The Freedom It Deserves To Express Myself!”

  1. Chris Friend Avatar

    Rather than a petition or survey, consider doing your own observations, considering what kind of writing is more effective. When you read things, take note of how present the author is in the writing, then consider how that changes the impact of the text.

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